اسکله شناور

اسکله شناور پلی اتیلنی  از پانتون هایی با ابعاد 40*50*50 تشکیل شده است که با استفاده از اتصالات مخصوص به یکدیگر متصل میشوند. این اسکله ها به دلیل شناور بودن روی آب حس منحصر به فردی که شاید تنها روی قایق و کشتی بتوان تجربه کرد را بوجود می آورند.

جهت ایجاد امنیت بیشتر و حفاظت بیشتر میتوان از نرده های پلی اتیلنی  استفاده نمود. این سازه با استفاده از مواد پلی اتیلن با کیفیت عالی تولید میشوند که نسبت به عوامل جوی مانند نورخورشید و سایر عوامل طبیعی مقاوم خواهد بود. در شکل ها و مساحت های متفاوت قابل نصب و استفاده می باشد.

اسکله شناور

موارد استفاده از اسکله های شناور

• اسکله های شناور تجاری

• اسکله های شناور نظامی

• استخر پرورش ماهی در قفس

• جزیره های شناور توریستی و استخرهای درون آب دریا

• ایستگاه های ورزشی

ایستگاه های تفریحی

• اسکله های ماهیگیری

• شناورهای حمل کننده متحرک مجهز به موتور


اسکله های شناور

اسکله شناور پلی اتیلنی با ترکیب بهترین مواد ترکیبی تولید میگردد. اسکله شناور پلی اتیلنی بهترین گزینه جهت ایجاد کافی شاپ و رستوران های شناور در پروژه های تفریحی میباشند.ساختار ماژولار این سازه امکان گسترش و نقل و انتقال این سازه را میسر میسازد. اسکله شناور پلی اتیلنی جهت مفروش کردن سطح دریا و استخر ها بهترین گزینه میباشد.
باتوجه به تنوع رنگ امکان ایجاد اسکله شناور پلی اتیلنی با بهترین نقوش وجود دارد.
اسکله شناور شرکت ساحل اتحاد ( سمکوپلاست ) در هر یک متر مربع دارای چهار عدد پانتون میباشد که حدودا دارای 40 کیلوگرم وزن میاشد که وزن تحملی آن حدود 250 کیلوگرم خواهد بود.

شرکت تکتا بافت باختر در 4 مدل مختلف انواع اسکله های شناور را تولید می نماید.

1 – اسکله شناور پلی اتیلن
2 – اسکله شناور پلی اتیلن نشکن
3 – اسکله شناور رویه وود پلاست
4 – اسکله شناور رویه آلومینیوم

اسکله های شناوری که توسط شرکت آریا روشن پارس تولید می شوند دارای بیشترین مقاومت در برابر اشعه یو وی آفتاب و تغییرات آب و هوایی و خورنده ها هستند.
این اسکله ها قادر به تحمل وزن 376 کیلوگرم در هر متر مربع می باشند.
اتصال قسمت های مختلف اسکله با استفاده از پیچ و مهره های مخصوص به سادگی امکان پذیر است و می توانید در هر سطحی که مایل باشید برای ساخت اسکله های ورزشی و تفریحی و یا نظامی در مساحت های دلخواه اسکله شناور بسازید.
همچنین ساخت جزیره شناور برای رفت و آمد و حمل و نقل نیز امکان پذیر است.
اسکله های شناور آریا روشن ایده یکی از روش های مطمئن برای دسترسی به آبهای عمیق و یا مناطق صعب العبور دریایی است.
به علاوه برای سکوی شنا و محل مناسبی برای لنگرکشی و افرادی نظیر ماهیگیرها و یا افرادی که به منظور تفریح می خواهند از این اسکله استفاده کنند ، کاربرد دارد.


Contents Introduction Modular floaLng dock systems, compared to tradiLonal floaLng docks, offer several meaningful advantages. Modularity makes docks easier and faster to build and install while also enabling the dock to easily be relocated and reconfigured. When designed and built properly, modular floaLng docks can last for decades with very liRle maintenance. But choosing the wrong design or the wrong supplier can lead to constant headaches and frustraLons. The decision is even more criLcal in commercial applicaLons where the wrong choice can lead to lost profits or law suits. The current marketplace is arrayed with suppliers who are reputable and trustworthy, and others who are not. Some only manufacture and sell floats while others provide floats, accessories, installaLon and maintenance. Therefore, it is important to develop a design specificaLon that will help ensure the desired levels of performance, service and cost, and enable you to objecLvely compare mulLple bids. In an unbiased and imparLal way, this arLcle will help compare the various opLons, explore elements to consider, and highlight mistakes to avoid. Maintenance Considerations Lumber and Concrete Docks – Certain types of floaLng dock require more maintenance than others, and the annual maintenance costs can make the dock with the least expensive iniLal cost turn out to have the highest overall cost. For instance, “sLck built” lumber docks are quite suscepLble to board warping, splintering, checking, cracking, fading, and mildewing. Most sLck-built docks must be re-stained or chemically renewed yearly. Also, in most environments nails and screws will rust unless made of 316 stainless and will break or back out regardless of the material. Concrete pad docks must be pressure washed to remove salts, dirt, oils, mildew, and even fish blood. Plastic Modular Docks – These require the least amount of yearly maintenance. They do not splinter, crack, chip, buckle or rust. Dock owners in the deep south and extreme north o]en prefer plasLc floaLng docks because they have superior resistance to damage from tropical storms and freezing. As a point of IntroducLon 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Maintenance ConsideraLons 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Quality & Design ConsideraLons 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………


reference, the www.Dock-Blocks.com website states that they received no reports of damage through either Hurricane MaRhew (2016) or Hurricane Irma (2017), and they provide several supporLng tesLmonials. If a plasLc floaLng dock requires cleaning, a good marine-safe boat cleaner such as Zing® will usually do the trick. In Ldal locaLons, all docks will acquire a buildup of algae, barnacles and oysters, which can be knocked or scraped off as needed. Although this buildup does not typically present a problem for plasLc floats, it will quickly damage foam floats. Quality & Design Considerations The quality of sLck-built docks and concrete slab docks depends on the quality of materials and of installaLon labor. Tightness, squareness, and evenness depend on the installer’s skill level and aRenLon to detail, and call-backs a]er installaLon are not uncommon as owners ask installers to make minor refinements. By comparison, the quality of a plasLc floaLng dock is largely a funcLon of the quality of the molded float and hardware. Since the plasLc float serves as both the decking surface and the floataLon, the float manufacturer controls most of the quality factors such as dimension and appearance. Building Codes – Codes vary by country, state and county. Some have stricter requirements than others relaLve to storm resistance, aestheLcs and environmental protecLon. Many have prohibited the use of closed-cell foam and expanded polystyrene for floataLon devices since they are prone to decomposiLon in sunlight. The use of pressure treated wood in dock construcLon is a subject of great debate and study as there are concerns for potenLal environmental and ecosystem damage that could be done by chemicals leeched from the wood. Check local building codes for a list of material restricLons as well as guidance by local environmental agencies and advocacy groups. In general, pressure treated wood as well as concrete slabs can leech chemicals into the water over Lme. Heavier plasLc floats such as homogeneous polyethylene, do not. Note that building codes created decades ago may not have kept pace with the growth of plasLc docks in the industry. If you are considering purchasing a plasLc floaLng dock and have concerns about meeLng local codes, speak with a local building codes agent. Dimensional Stability – Some manufacturers may seek to reduce cost by rushing the molding process. This can cause floats to not fit together reliably, and it can weaken the resin. Newly molded floats should be cooled in a controlled environment and in a fixture that will lock in the dimensions during cooling. Since the typical shopper cannot tell how a float was produced, it is best to stay with reputable manufacturers with years of experience and many posiLve reviews. Cosmetic Appearance – Color swirls in a float can indicate uneven mixing of the resin and that the manufacturer may be using inferior mixing equipment or is trying to rush the producLon process. Manufacturers should offer several float and accessory colors to choose from in order to achieve the desired look. It is theoreLcally possible for a manufacturer to offer any color desired by the customer,


but addiLonal costs apply to cover machine setup Lme and wasted resin. Be prepared to pay an addiLonal setup charge of a few hundred dollars and a minimum producLon run of at least 200 floats. The best manufacturers will be able to produce a wide array of colors cost effecLvely through efficient machine setup without cukng corners. Tread Depth – The tread in the top of dock floats help prevent slips by draining away water and providing grip for shoes and bare feet. It is possible to add grip tape or sanded coaLngs to wood and concrete decking, but plasLc floats have the tread already molded in. Treads should be at least .100” high. Some manufacturers may seek to reduce mold tool and producLon costs by reducing the height of the tread, but thinner treads could jeopardize safety. Float Weight – In general, a heavier blowmolded or rotomolded float is beRer than a lighter float. The addiLonal weight has a negligible effect on overall buoyancy, but can be many Lmes stronger and more durable. Many manufacturers have standardized around a 20” x 20” full-sized float, and those floats should probably weigh no less than 14 lb. Wall Thickness – The material thickness in a modular dock float is not uniform, with the top and sides typically being thicker than the boRom. It is very difficult for the average person to analyze the distribuLon of plasLc in a float without cukng it apart. Beware manufacturers who do not properly control plasLc distribuLon and produce floats that are weak, deform when walked on, and break easily. A reputable manufacturer will ensure the plasLc distribuLon of each float produced and can measure thickness using an ultrasonic gauge. This requires addiLonal cycle Lme and handling, but is well worth the expense. The plasLc along the top should measure no less than .250” thick. Float Material – Although most plasLc float manufacturers use a form of polyethylene (PE), not all PE resins are the same. First, be sure the float is made from a very tough and durable variety of PE resin, preferably extra-high molecular weight polyethylene (EHMW-PE) or ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW-PE). Manufacturers should be willing to provide the mechanical properLes of their resin. Simply compare their stated properLes to the properLes of other PE resins online. Second, be sure to use a cerLfied grade of EHMW-PE rather than a generic or spot market grade. Some manufacturers try to cut corners by buying less expensive PE resin at spot prices, but this always leads to quality and performance problems such as splikng, cracking, and delaminaLon. Third, buy floats made from “nonfracLonal melt” resin. To be safe, be sure to specify a brand name EHMW-PE resin such as Chevron Marlex or ExxonMobil Paxon. Fourth, because black absorbs heat, avoid black floats that can get hot enough to cause burns. Lighter colors such as gray, green, beige and blue are safer choices. Crack and Fade Resistance – While a float may withstand high impact forces such as being rammed by a boat, that same float may fail over Lme due to daily cycles of sunlight, temperature, Ldal acLon, and wake from passing boats. Floats must be designed to withstand these constant oscillaLons. That is why the molded float’s quality is so important. A float of high quality will far outlive a float of lesser quality. EHMW polyethylene is one of the best resin choices for conLnuous outdoor use. But even polyethylene will eventually become faded and briRle if not protected from the sun’s UV rays. The beRer manufacturers will blend UV stabilizer into the base resin to provide up to 10 years of protecLon. Less reputable manufacturers will reduce the amount of UV stabilizer, or eliminate it enLrely. Owners will


likely be unable to tell the difference for the first year or so, but soon therea]er the floats begin to show significant signs of fading and possible embriRlement. Be sure to specify at least 10-year UV protecLon. Edge Protection – some modular floaLng dock manufacturers offer addiLonal edge protecLon through a separate bumper that is designed to absorb impact and reduce the chance of damaging the dock. TradiLonal docks o]en include a nail-on rubber strip or foam-filled bumper edge. Dock Blocks® plasLc floats also incorporate an extremely tough and durable protecLve bumper edging that connects to the perimeter of the dock. These bumpers serve to further strengthen the outside of the dock and protect the dock from side impacts. Country of Origin – Several plasLc floaLng dock manufacturers produce outside the US and Canada. These products o]en have suspect quality through a combinaLon of thin and uneven wall secLons, inferior resin grade, or dimensional instability. They also tend to offer poor customer support. Unless your manufacturer offers guarantees of performance with a proven track record it is probably best to stay with domesLcally sourced floats. Expandability – Modular floaLng dock systems have an advantage over tradiLonal docks by being easily expandable and reconfigurable so owners are never stuck with a parLcular layout. Simply purchase and install new floats as needed. Marinas and other commercial dock owners appreciate being able to reconfigure their dock layouts as needed to accommodate their customers’ needs, o]en in a maRer of hours. Accessories – Be sure your manufacturer offers a wide range of accessories to ensure the conLnued enjoyment of your dock as your needs change. Accessories may include ladders, kayak li]s, boat li]s, handrails, benches, and so on. Also look for plenty of mooring opLons to meet any owner’s needs. Slide mooring systems such as TideSlide® or SlideMoor™ keep the floaLng dock secured to a piling in Ldal areas. ElasLc mooring systems such as Seaflex® keep the dock moored in water without the need for pilings. If the look of tradiLonal decking is a must, some plasLc floaLng dock manufacturers also offer composite decking that is guaranteed for at least 10 years, and some more than 20. As one example, Lumberock® composite decking comes with a limited lifeLme warranty. Portability – There can be Lmes in which a dock owner would like to transport the dock to a new locaLon. Because of the way they are designed, plasLc floaLng docks are easier to handle and maneuver. In fact, they are o]en used in commercial applicaLons for transporLng equipment, cargo and workers to job sites. Small floaLng docks oupiRed with an outboard motor can become an inexpensive and versaLle ferry. And when the need is past, the floats can be reused for another purpose. Drive-on LiftsSome plasLc floaLng dock designs offer the tremendous benefit of acLng as a drive-on boat li]. The stern end of the dock is sunken below water level, and the dock center secLon guides the bow of the


boat. Simply drive the boat on or off the dock as needed. No harnesses, straps or motors to contend with, and the design offers the added benefit of being able to step out of the boat onto the dock. Some float manufacturers make a center float that is contoured to fit the hull of the boat, so be sure the center float will accommodate the hull. Some floats have a relaLvely sharp V shape, but this increases stress on the block and increases fricLon against the boat. Other more gradually-curved floats will reduce stress and fricLon, and most likely be more compaLble with boat pontoons. Some manufacturers remove the center secLon of floats in order to reduce fricLon, but this poses a trip hazard when the boat is not parked on the dock. Because of the heavy concentrated loads drive-on li]s must support, be sure to only purchase from a reputable manufacturer with a demonstrated track record. Lesser quality floats are far more likely to crack due to inferior plasLc resin, accelerated molding cycles, and thinner cross secLons. Also, avoid floats that are molded from a resin that contains glass fibers. These “glass-filled” resins can offer addiLonal strength, but they are more abrasive and can scratch the boat hull. Homogeneous EHMW-PE or UHMW-PE will not damage standard gelcoat hulls. Some owners may find they need a liRle extra force to drive the boat off the dock. If so, a reverse winch can usually apply enough force to push the boat off with ease. A reverse winch system typically includes a manual winch mounted directly in front of the boat, and a ½” or larger line running from the winch and across the boat’s bow. As the winch is operated, the line is Lghtened across the bow, driving the boat off the dock. In some cases the drive-on must be oupiRed with addiLonal features to enable the boat entry and exit to be smooth. Boats weighing over 5,000 lb Boats with center-mounted inboard engines Boats with boRom paint. Owners seeking added convenience Each of these is a likely candidate for a li] assist device, typically consisLng of a floataLon tank or bladder, an air pump, and a control unit. The li] assist tank or bladder rests under the dock, which has had addiLonal floats sunk beneath the waterline. The operator drives the boat onto the li], and an air pump causes the floataLon tank or bladder to raise the dock and boat out of the water. To exit, the operator uses the control unit to vent air from the tank or bladder so that the dock and boat gradually sink back into the water. OperaLon is usually very simple and takes only about five minutes. There are several different drive-on designs currently on the market. Because of the possibility of puncture or tearing, hard HDPE tanks are recommended over inflatable bladders. Be sure the water depth under the stern of the dock at low Lde is deep enough to accommodate the li] assist tank, which is mounted below the dock floats and o]en measures 36” in depth. If the tank rests on the boRom the tank, dock and/or boat could be damaged.


Supplier Considerations: As previously menLoned, the choice of suppliers is very important. Only a few offer a high quality product and excellent service. Be sure to evaluate potenLal suppliers according to their warranty, experience, responsiveness and innovaLon. Warranty – It is best to purchase a floaLng dock from a manufacturer who offers a meaningful warranty. At the Lme of this wriLng, the best warranty offered by a few manufacturers is a non-transferrable limited lifeLme warranty covering materials and workmanship for the life of the owner. Other manufacturers offer warranLes for 20 years and less. Experience – Some modular floaLng dock manufacturers have been around for decades. Others have not. Each installaLon is unique and presents certain design challenges. Select a manufacturer who can point to successful installaLons in a wide variety of environments including salt vs fresh, warm vs cold, Ldal vs nonLdal, turbulent vs nonturbulent. Avoid those manufacturers who have liRle experience, and those who simply sell floats online with no service history. Responsiveness While there are many manufacturers of modular boat docks, few provide great customer service. Ask whether they are available 24/7. Are they available by phone, email, live chat? As quesLons invariably arise regarding installaLon, applicaLon and design, your manufacturer should be very responsive even a]er the sale. Online posts and reviews should reflect that fact.Innovation The best manufacturers will lead through innovaLon by offering a conLnuous flow of new products that are meaningful and unique. Require your manufacturer to do more than simply copy compeLtors’ products. Copy cats lack the leader’s passion for the industry and vision for the future. The more reputable manufacturers are always developing new accessories such as drive-on boat li]s, mooring systems, reverse winches, composite decking, ladders, benches, awnings, and so on. Conclusion – When considering total lifecycle cost, flexibility and performance, modular plasLc floaLng docks seem to offer several advantages over sLck-built and concrete slab floaLng docks. Since not all plasLc floats are made equal, it is best to compare the float materials and performance claims. Further, not all manufacturers are the same. Some are reputable and provide high-quality products and service. Others do not. Do your homework to compare manufacturers by reading online reviews and tesLmonials, and by comparing warranLes. Some manufacturers offer a dock design that includes a drive-on li]. These li]s can be very convenient as the operator simply drives the boat on and off the dock. But again, it pays to compare product features and manufacturer performance before buying.


Our superior design and easy to construct docking system allows you to dock your vessel quickly and safely. Simply line up your vessel with the dock and drive up to dock or asend back to launch. For further details on purchasing a Gulfstream boat dock system, contact us today.


Safe Drive On Docking
Easy Launching
No Dangerous Open Areas
Craft Stays Out of the Water
No Rollers Needed
Maintenance Free
Easy Assembly and Installation
Infinitely Configurable
Topside Adjustments
Easy on Your Feet Non-Skid
Cool Grey Color
Environmentally Friendly
Industrial Strength Materials
Tie Down Points
Great Accessories Available
20+ Year Life Expectancy